Mitigate Climate Change - Ocean Central
Mitigate Climate Change
Mitigate Climate Change
Mitigate Climate Change
Mitigate Climate Change
Mitigate Climate Change
Mitigate Climate Change
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Effects of Greenhouse Gasses on the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC)
An analysis of the projected effects of climate change scenarios on Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC).
Global Sea Level Gridded Data from Satellite Observations
This dataset provides gridded daily and monthly mean global estimates of sea level anomalies computed with respect to a twenty-year mean reference period (1993-2012) using up-to-date altimeter standards.
Key Biodiversity Areas
A quantitative assesment that prioritizes the top 30% areas for Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) globally using global scale measures of biodiversity from the species to ecosystem level.
Map of Marine Regions
A dataset that represents the boundaries of the major oceans and seas of the world.
Marine Heatwave Watch
A daily global 5km-resolution dataset on marine heatwaves that tracks prolonged periods of anomalously high sea surface temperature (SST). They are categorized anomalies of SST compared with a long-term, high, daily SST thresholds.
NASA GISS Surface Temperature Analysis
A monthly estimate of global surface temperature change. It is a combination of data from NOAA meteorological stations and ERSST (Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature) values for ocean areas.
NASA GSFC Sea Level Trends
A dataset that contains the Global Mean Sea Level (GMSL) trend generated from the Integrated Multi-Mission Ocean Altimeter Data for Climate Research Version 5.1.
NSIDC Sea Ice Index
A dataset of up-to-date sea ice extent and concentration images and data values that provide a quick look at Arctic- and Antarctic-wide changes in sea ice from November 1978 to the present.
OceanSODA-ETHZ for Ocean Acidification
A global data set of relevant acidification surface ocean parameters from 1985–2018. It was created by using satellite and other data sources to extrapolate ship-based measurements of carbon dioxide and total alkalinity to compute ocean acidification parameters.
Convention for Biological Diversity
The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) was adopted COP15 following a four year consultation and negotiation process. It supports the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and builds on the Convention’s previous Strategic Plans and sets out an ambitious pathway to reach the global vision of a world living in harmony with nature by 2050. Among the Framework’s key elements are 4 goals for 2050 and 23 targets for 2030.
Paris Agreement
The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty that was adopted at COP21 by 195 parties. It sets a limit on global warming and lays out an assessment plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate climate change.